Thursday, March 8

new work

Today I head out to a new area which I have grown fond of in the past couple months. We started working in this town in September, when a team was here to paint a mural. That project opened the doors to this town and has allowed the connection to future work. Soon after the mural project an agency here asked me to head up a project starting extra-curricular activities in a couple high schools. I agreed, if it could be in the town we painted the mural in. It turns out that town fits the criteria for the project and it was a go. Its been a slow process but it is finally gaining momentum. Two of my university students have been hired to teach an English club and a computer club in this town. They are eager to get started, although they are timid at the thought of teaching for the first time. Its really encouraging watching these students and being able to mentor and encourage them. I am really excited about working with them in the future.

Today we are heading to the high school to show the new teachers where the school is and allow them to meet the director. I believe, if all goes according to plan (which usually doesn't happen here), the clubs should start up next week. That will be fun...but that means I have some work to do, as I said I would create some initial lesson plans for each club to allow the students to get to know each other. Thankfully after that they each have a set curriculum to follow.

(I wrote this last night, in hopes that I would post it this morning. I forgot and was too busy getting ready and washing my car.)

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