Tuesday, March 10


I just decided that, in case anyone does actually still read my blog, I should change the name to something about teaching. That is kind of the biggest thing in my life right now. 

So last Monday was indeed a snow day and I was very excited. But I ended up spending my whole day studying for the exam I had on Tuesday, and didn't focus too much on preparing lessons for my new groups. I went in Tuesday, slightly unprepared in my opinion, and pretty sick. After a day of that I called it quits and stayed home on Wednesday to give my body some time to rest. Thursday and Friday were still pretty tough and made me realize I still don't quite know what I am doing with the new schedule.  To my delight I found out on Friday that for the next two weeks I would not be teaching, but will be testing all of the ESL students in the school. What fun!  Although I was a bit stressed about this endeavor as I left Friday afternoon, to my surprise it is not actually that difficult and gives me lots of extra time. 

Today, as it should have been a snow day but wasn't, many students were absent and I tested maybe half of the students scheduled for today. In our spare time, my colleague and I went over the tests before giving them out, enjoyed a relaxed lunch, and prepared for other tests we have to give later in the week. Although I do have many tasks at hand right now with these tests, I have high hopes for getting my room into order for the new schedule that will start again in a couple weeks. (And then be stopped again so I can proctor other state mandated tests. Gotta love No Child Left Behind!)

All this being said, I joyfully left school this afternoon quickly after the kids did, as I had no lessons to set out and get ready for tomorrow. Being home a tad earlier than normal I made some brownies along with dinner. Now its 7:18pm and I have already finished my homework for tomorrow's class and am not quite sure what to do. Ya, sure, I could post on blackboard for my other class, but the last time I did that on a Monday my posts were deleted by accident. I should go read some manuals for my new lessons at school, but that won't start back again for two weeks. Maybe I will go watch some TV and go to bed early. What a great Monday!