Sunday, April 1


First let me say that its 10pm and I am tired and want to sleep. I have so much work to do...but I think I will leave it for tomorrow. I don't have anything planned tomorrow until my class at 5pm, so I should have some time. Of course, something will come up and I will be busy all day...but thats my life lately. I am ready for my lesson tomorrow, so the rest can wait if it must.

Secondly, its April 1st and its still really cold and I started a fire tonight in my stove. Outside its actually nice weather. Today I was at the park with some of my students, and it was very nice. But once I came home, I was freezing. My fingers would not warm up. So I started a fire. I have decided that my flat doesn't get enough will stay cold...which is nice in the summer.

Now to catch you all up on the rest of my past week. Well actually, it kind of ended right where I left off. I taught class on Wednesday night and after class a student/friend invited me to her house in the village. Her younger sister, whom I also know, was staying there all week because she had spring break. I thought it would be fun to go and keep the sister company. Well I (actually more like they) enjoyed it so much that they convinced me to stay there a second night. So Thursday night I canceled class and went to visit my friend's aunt. That evening another sister and brother also came, and so we had a good time all together. I really enjoy getting away from the city every once in awhile and spending time with a family.

Friday we had a team meeting and I enjoyed seeing my old roommate and colleague from my former city. After the meeting we ate yummy Mexican food and then I got my hair cut. Friday night I was all excited about staying home and not doing anything, but of course, plans changed and I went out.

Saturday was another busy day. We went to a village and I played some games with the kids there, while another colleague was with the women's group. These women gather together every Saturday for a sewing class. After the class we come and sometimes tell them stories, play Bingo, or just hang out and drink tea with them. We also purchase some of their handmade items (tatted doilies) and sell them through WorldCrafts. For many of these women this is their only form of income for their whole family. What started with just a few women has now grown to such a large group that they do not all fit in one room. These women are eager to try to improve their conditions and do something. We are eager to share a Hope that is better than they can imagine...but first their immediate needs must be met.

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