Saturday, February 3


Its hard to believe its February already. The first month of 2007 passed quickly. And I have had a roommate now for a week and have been free from classes for a week. Somehow I have stayed fairly busy. It was nice that I had a lot of free time this past week to show my roommate around and introduce her to many people here. I enjoy the days where I can do whatever comes up, in whatever time it takes, and not have to stress over a schedule. Next week I have to start planning a bit more, so hopefully I won't be so busy once classes start again...but we'll see if that really happens.

My phone is working again and I am happy. There is just something about being able to pick up the phone and call America (for free practically) that makes me happy. But of course I am never here to answer the phone or make phone calls...but just that its possible is nice.

Well I think its time to sleep again. I feel like I am sleeping so much lately...but its not true...its just that I am sleeping late in the day...but then I go to sleep in the end its hardly 7 hours of sleep. I always try to go to bed early, but it never really works. I might make it in bed by 1am tonight, that will be good.

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