Saturday, December 2


There was this big yellow thing in the sky today....I am not sure what it was.

Finally the clouds started to break today and the sun peaked through a little.

Yesterday (wow, yes, just yesterday, although it seems like a week ago) I met a friend for coffee in the morning. I walked 15 minutes to meet up with her. We greeted each other and started walking. "Its such a nice day today," my friend commented. I stopped walking and looked around. At that moment I realized there was not fog anymore. (Although still very cloudy - funny that after 5 straight days of thick fog a clear, but cloudy day is great weather.)

Every other day this week, as soon as I woke up, I looked out the window - questioning if the white blanket outside was fog or finally snow. Each day I was disappointed as I saw it was more fog. Yesterday I woke up fairly early (for me) as I had much work to do, and skipped the look out the window. It was still very cloudy, so I just assumed the fog was still there. Thankfully, I was wrong.

(Comment on the picture in the previous post: A friend from here could not even recognize where the picture was taken. Once I explained where I was standing while taking the picture she understood the great amount of fog there really was.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey sister,
I just got your message! I love you, lets talk ASAP. Call me when you have some time. Love you.