Tuesday, December 12

Christmas is coming

Well thankfully for the moment, the stress has passed. I successfully wrote my exams, and prepared and taught the review classes. Today I felt confident enough in my work that when a friend unexpectantly showed up at my door, I didn't flip out. Instead we put up some Christmas decorations, but actually I think she just laughed at me - and I put up the decorations. I wasn't going to decorate my apartment this year, as I kept not having time. But today as I pulled out my tree to bring it downstairs to our office, I found a few other decorations. I am very happy now that they are up. I am constantly playing Christmas music and now I have some red garland hanging from the wall...and a tree to look at in our office...its Christmas time. Also, this is the first year that the city has decorated some for Christmas - its just beautiful. Actually, its not the city that is decorating (as its a Muslim country) but one Austrian Bank has decorated the main streets with lights. Its nice because there is not the extreme commercialism of Christmas, but a few cute lights here and there.

Last night I went to two concerts. The first was a classical concert performed by a student graduating from the Music faculty (department). He had to put on this concert to graduate. It was good. During the concert we (me and two of my students) were sitting with a music professor. He told us about another concert that night, and gave us his invitation. So we proceeded to the local Philharmonic Orchestra concert. I didn't know this country had anything like that. I was impressed, and excited to go. It made me miss playing the French horn - which I haven't touched in about 10 years. I miss being part of a band. So I am happy that I have two new musical friends that will inform me of future musical events.

With all this said...I am going to bed. Its my goal to go to bed before midnight....maybe even be asleep by midnight as its now 11:20 and I am almost ready for bed. Now that would just be amazing! I have been averaging a bedtime of 3am lately. And I have been very tired.

Naten e mire

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