Monday, December 11


This week is reminding me of what I was like back in college. When I get stressed out I get sick and moody. Thats how I feel now. I have too many things that have to get done before I leave in exactly one week . And because I will be gone for a couple weeks I want to spend more time with my friends, but that is getting cut out of my schedule this week, which I hate.

This week I have to give two exams (which I stayed up late last night writing, but they are done) review for the exams in both classes (which I am not prepared for yet), proofread a movie script that has been translated into English, create a powerpoint presentation on this country (as I am speaking at a school my first day back in Amera - which I am not regretting saying yes to), visit my old city and some friends there, get my legs waxed and a pedicure (this might have to be cut out, but I need it), buy some christmas presents here...

I am sure the list goes on, but thats all I could think of for today. I really should create a real list or I am sure to forget some things. For example I was planning to go back to my old city tonight to visit my friends there. But as I was writing an exam last night I looked through my class notes. There I saw the note I made myself saying I will meet a friend and go to a concert tonight. So back to square one on when I will have time to go back to my old city. Can I have just a few more hours in each day?

Well I should get back to work. I was hoping this would be a little stress relief, but not sure if it helped.

1 comment:

Mary said...

hey, I'm doing finals and am very sypathetic to your business.

good luck,
we can talk more in a while, when business has died down...then again, I'm sure you'll be crazy busy once you're in the states...
well, sometime...
much love,
