Wednesday, September 24

So I took my test on Saturday for the Mass Teacher's License...and we'll just have to wait until the end of October to know how I did. I am really not sure. I didn't feel well about the ESL section, but maybe I will be lucky. The whole test took me about 7 hours on Saturday, from 7:45 in the morning until 4:30 in the afternoon (thankfully we were given a lunch break). I was happy to be finished - and even an hour early!

Now I am busy again applying for different teaching jobs and hoping someone will finally be desperate enough for a teacher and hire me without my initial license. 

I am still enjoying my classes and even enjoy the multitude of reading we have to do for each class. Its a topic I enjoy, so its keeping me entertained. The most interesting (and unexpected) is that I am learning Chinese in my Second Language Acquisition class. We just spend about 30 minutes at the beginning of class each week, so I won't really know much. But I feel I will have a good base knowledge of the language, if I ever decide to try to study it on my own. So far I can say hello and goodbye. I have to learn a few more sentences that are part of an initial greeting for tonight's class, but once you get past two words I am lost! 

1 comment:

Jan Sears said...

WOW - you have been busy! I was just catching up on your life of late! Love the new mode of transportation! Your grandfather sounds amazing! Remember to send me an address to mail your books to! Naten e mire! Jan