Monday, June 23

online wedding

Congratulations Rachael and Wesley Morris!

So the connection has been pretty bad and I have only been able to watch bits and pieces, but I still think its pretty cool that I am watching two of my friends get married in Oklahoma right now. I believe there is a camera hooked up to the bottom of one of the chairs at the wedding and that is transmitting a signal through skype to someone's computer in another city. I then am viewing the wedding via msn video call, though a computer that is aimed at the projected screen of the skype broadcasted wedding. Yes, its complicated, but it has worked. I wasn't able to see the whole wedding, but saw the bride and the groom and felt like I joined in their celebration from afar. It was hard not to be able to be there with them for their wedding, but this has helped ease the sadness of missing this day in their lives.

I remember when Rachael and I were here together, working as two single women in a male dominated society. We prayed for a guy to come and help us in our work here. This guy named Wes answered our prayers and was preparing to come to this side of the pond. He quickly got the nickname of FarmBoy, and accepted it with such pride and humbleness at the same time, always going above and beyond what our expectations were of his job duties. I can't say I ever would have expected the two of them to get married when Wes first came...and can be sure that they both didn't expect it then and even denied the possibility for a really long time. But I am so glad that God grew them together and shaped them into who they are today. I am blessed to have been a part of their lives. I can't wait to see what God has in store for them in the future, now as a couple.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got all teary-eyed reading this, Lynn Kobius Maximus and I'm sure Farm Boy will too when he reads it.

We really missed having you there on the big day, but did pr for you and have been.

I miss our days together...we were trouble though!