Saturday, June 7


I love watching and listening to thunder and lightening storms. This week we have had one almost every night here, and its been great. I don't know why I enjoy them so much, but I do. Almost makes me giddy when I hear lightening strike. I think its the power that goes with it that makes me bask in the awesomeness of God....if that makes any sense. One of my friends here is afraid of the storms, and prefers the windows to be closed. I on the other hand prefer the windows open so I can hear the rain and the thunder. Currently I am typing on my computer and at the same time looking out the window. One bolt of lightening just hit a few minutes ago and made such a loud noise that I jumped. But thats all I got for a show this afternoon. Maybe more will come tonight. Its more fun when its dark out and the lightening lights up the sky.

The rain is good and the weather has stayed nice and cool so far. The only problem is that the other day I got really wet because I didn't have an umbrella with me. I am learning to take it with me, even if the day starts out sunny.

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