Saturday, October 20


I am thankful that my brother sent me a video of Owen. I am sad I can not hold my new nephew in my arms....but am happy that with technology I can see a video of him. Thanks brother!

I am thankful for the wood stove in my flat right now...and the roaring fire that is coming from it while snow is falling outside. Yes, its still October. Why is it snowing already? I laughed when it started snowing earlier tonight and said, oh it won't stay on the ground. Well I don't know about the ground but the rooftops are all white now...and its still falling at a heavy speed.

I am thankful for the fondue pot my brother gave me for Christmas last year. Last night we had some girls over for a movie and chocolate fondue. What a fun treat!

I am thankful for the great pancake recipe I have and the blueberries I bought in the mountains over the summer that I put in pancakes this morning. Saturdays are always a great day for pancakes. Two of my friends spent the night and a new American colleague just arrived a few days ago, so we all enjoyed pancakes together.

I am thankful for candles when the power goes out...and when it comes back on after 40 minutes.... so we could finish our movie tonight.


Unknown said...

my colon quivers at the thought of fondue... :)

Little O and his mother are both doing wonderfully.

Unknown said...

I can't tell if your colon quivering is a good thing or a bad thing. Glad to here the fam is doing well.