Sunday, September 24


The water is out, the internet is not working and I have a stomach ache. Any one of these things would be fine, but all of them together make me upset.

Why does it seem that every time I need to use my American phone at a specific time the internet is out? On my mom’s birthday, nope, couldn’t call her. Today the staff from the leadership camp we had this summer are all together for a small reunion. I was planning on calling them. But no, the internet is out.

Since I couldn’t talk on the phone I decided I would go and wash my face and get ready for bed. No, the water is out. Thankfully I have a back-up for that. I don’t mind washing my face with bottled water when I have been out and by the time I get back the water is already out. But its so frustrating when I have been home all night and just forgot to wash my face earlier when the water was on. You think after 6 months of this I would remember, but still I forget most nights. I do get excited when I remember to wash my face early in the evening and the water is still on, or when its midnight and the water is still on. Tonight I was not so lucky.

With all this I am going to turn my computer off, go read my Bible, and go to bed.

Naten e mire
(and this will be posted on the web tomorrow.)

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