Sunday, July 20

What a summer. A few months ago when I was planning when I would go back to the states I thought, I will take it easy this summer and just enjoy being here during my last couple months. Well, its been anything but that. I now have three weeks left and it seems maybe my last 10 days will be relaxing…and also packing up 5 years worth of stuff and deciding what to put into my 4 bags.

Tomorrow I am off to the mountains for 5 days... not to relax, but for a leadership program for University students. There are 10 of us as staff from the states, and about 25 Albanian students. It should be a great time. I am teaching on Tuesday and have the topic of Communicating in Love. I am excited to see how the students react to the activities and learn through them. Hopefully I will post about this when I return from the mountain. For now I ask you all to lift up this camp, that Truth would stand out and be heard, and that He would be glorified in everything that we do.

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