Tuesday, July 29


So I have less than two weeks here in this lovely country and I am not sure what to think. Of course I am excited to go home and see my family, but this has been my life for 5 years. Thats a long time! And the uncertainty of the future makes things so much harder.

In the past couple days I have found that I get stressed out easily and cry even easier. The littlest thing sets me off either yelling and screaming at someone (often just inside my head and thankfully not out-loud) or crying. Its a really bad combination. I am trying to be strong and make the most of these last couple days I have here. I am working on trusting God completely, but its hard. I know He will provide all I need - financially, emotionally, physically - but its still hard.

And to top it all off my internet is not working. Thankfully I know about the old fashion dial-up through the phone line. But its awfully slow. I hope to post some pictures from last week at camp once my fast internet is back.

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