Thursday, December 27


Its no fun being sick on Christmas or when its snowing outside. I have had this bad cold/flu for the past week and I just can't seem to get rid of it. I am drinking lots of tea with lemon (the Albanian remedy when you are sick) and eating lots of yummy mandarins for vitamin C. I think I am finally starting to feel better, and no longer have a tissue constantly to my nose. I may even venture out into the snow today.

Yesterday a friend of mine called me to tell me it was snowing. I just laughed and said, "I know and I wish I could go out in it." He knows I like the snow a lot, for one day he saw me walking in the snow, really big flakes coming down steadily. He stopped to talk to me for a minute and asked if I had an umbrella. I laughed and said, "Ya, its in my bag, but its more fun to walk with the snow falling on you." I was just waking home and didn't mind getting covered in whiteness. He just laughed.

So its nice and pretty and white here now...and I am stuck inside with a cold. No fun!

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