Thursday, June 23

Summer Vacation

The best part of waking up....I mean, being a teacher is having the summers off. Okay, thats not really the best part, but it is very enjoyable and allows me to do some great things, and also relax.

This is my first week off. Last Friday was our last day of school and honestly, I was glad to be done. I am praying for a renewed spirit next year for myself, and my colleagues.

This week I have been lazy and am enjoying my freedom. Monday I made delicious apple cinnamon chocolate chip pancakes for my roommate and a student I mentor. Then had dinner with my sister-in-law and nephews. Tuesday I went to my family's summer lake, camp, and enjoyed a beautiful day relaxing in the sun with my cousin and her children. It rained on Wednesday, so I curled up with a book and enjoyed reading the entire thing in one day, while listening to the rain fall on the lake. Today I am catching up on emails and a few things that need to get done, and who knows what I will do tomorrow. Life is good!

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