Tuesday, March 25

easter, rain, and upcoming trip

On this past Sunday I was able to celebrate with many others that our savior is alive. We had a service outside in the center of the city and it was wonderful. The weather had been cold and raining all week, but Sunday's weather was all sun and even was a little hot. Praise God for answered prayers. It was great to see believers from all over the country joining together for this celebration.

I have enjoyed the rain and sometimes even snow this past week, as the land really needs it. But at the same time its so much harder to stay motivated to work hard when its so gloomy outside. Makes me want to just curl up with a blanket and watch a movie. The fun part of that is that yesterday was a holiday here, so I had an excuse to stay home.

On Thursday I get to go visit Sarajevo. I am so excited, as I have been here in the Balkans for 5 years and have never gone to Bosnia. Although this trip will be very short (drive there, spend one day there, drive home) it will be good.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I wish I could go with you! I've been learning much about Bosnia recently. Have you seen "Welcome to Sarajevo"?
have fun! :)