The view from my balcony in Prishtina:

Normally the busses here run fairly on schedule. During the week, the bus to Peja runs every 20 minutes. So when I arrived at the bus station yesterday, I thought I would only have to wait 10 minutes as it was 1:10. I waited, and waited, and walked around to make sure where I was is still where the Peja bus leaves from. Soon more people were waiting with me. It was hot, and I was getting tired. I couldn't wait to get on the bus and take a nap. Finally at about 1:50 the bus pulled in to its spot. I quickly assumed we would leave at 2:00, as I couldn't imagine the busses running less than every hour. After more than 30 minutes of sitting on the hot bus, I realized how wrong I was. I am not sure why I expected things to happen quickly, or with any sense of normalcy. My frustration made me realize how accustomed I am to my easy life in America where I drive myself around whenever I want to go somewhere. What can normally take 1-2 hours in your own vehicle, took me 4 hours and I finally arrived at 5:00pm.
I headed back to Peja to go to the International Fellowship. It was a blessing to look around the room and see the many families that I knew from years past who are still here, and the new faces who have come to join the work.
That is a beautiful picture!!!
It's amazing how much we take for granted when it's always there. It's good to have a reminder to be grateful for every small detail in our lives!! Sounds like a simple bus ride is an exhausting adventure...there.
I didn't realize you had this blog. Glad you posted it on FB! Sounds like your summer as a whole has been a good one so far. I'm very happy for you that you got to go back this year, even for a short time. Enjoy it all! Looking forward to many pictures when you return!!!
Love you
ps...I was very confused for a few minutes when I realized your date on this entry says the 26th...when it's only the 25th. :)
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