One of the best parts of teaching is having summer vacation. I am blessed to have two months off, and am very thankful for it - especially this year. So far I have been able to relax a bit, read a couple books, spend time with my nephews, teach at a youth camp for a week, and now return to Kosovo, where I used to live in.
Some may think I am crazy...and I might even agree, but it was all worth it. Two weeks ago I was on staff at a Christian youth camp for a week. I woke up early every morning, was very busy teaching bible studies and leading activities and went to bed very late. It was a great time sharing God's love and teaching about how God is (or should be) the director of our lives. I even got to show parts of The Princess Bride during Bible study, as that was the name of our its one of my favorite movies.
Then after a great but exhausting week, I went home, unpacked and did laundry...all to pack again to go to Kosovo the next day. I had about 30 hours from when camp ended until I got on a plane. I slept on and off during the first flight to Zurich, then could not keep my eyes open during the second flight to Prishtina. I landed around 2:00pm and then waiting at the airport for about an hour for my friend to pick me up, thanks R! Thankfully I saw another friend at the airport (a positive thing about Kosovo being so small) and chatted with her until R came to pick me up. We then drove straight to Peja, had a bite to eat at the newly renovated Art Design and headed up the mountain to join the university Leadership Camp that had already started a couple hours earlier.
Again another week of waking up early and staying up late...but it was all worth it! It was so great to be back in Kosovo. For two years I have not been able to visit, and I was so thankful when I found out I had this opportunity to go. R and I worked together starting in 2004 and its great to be back together, evaluating where things stand with the organization we helped to create 7 years ago.
Three pictures for today:
1. My Bible study group at Crosswalk
2. The Leadership Camp students

3. The view from where we stayed in the mountains.