I am happy that I am still connected to the people and places I knew and loved while I worked on this side of the world.
Some ramblings from my life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in His service
Monday, August 1
I had a great time reminiscing with old friends today. I went to visit a family who lives in Macedonia, and I used to visit them when I needed to get away from Kosova and culture shock. It was great to just relax at their house and catch up on life. Then another American family I used to know in 2003 came over for dinner, so I got to see them also.
Sunday, July 31
new buildings

I like this picture because you can see some of the variety of buildings there are here. Some are new and some are old, and they are all mixed together. There are a lot of new buildings, more and more each time I come back. These two skyscrapers really stand out, but I assume more will be built in the future.

I still don't understand this building, but it makes for a good picture. This is the national library.
Saturday, July 30
For most of my time here these past two weeks I have been very busy and always have had something to do, somewhere to go, or someone to talk to. Right now I am waiting for my friend to return so we can do some last minute work and visit our neighbors before she leaves tomorrow. So I decided to read some old posts I wrote on here while I used to live in Kosovo. It brought back great memories. My brother made his past blog into a book, and after reading some of my posts I am thinking I would like to do the same. It also has encouraged me to continue writing, as its great to look back and reflect on all I have done.
Here is a picture that makes me smile.
This was from Thanksgiving 2007 when I had some friends over and attempted to make some traditional thanksgiving food. Although we didn't have a turkey (couldn't find one here) it was all really good, and different for my Albanian friends. This is one memory I think of often. I am thankful I was able to see these 4 friends during my visit to kosove this time.
Friday, July 29
Top 10
Top 10 things I miss from Kosovo
1. My friends - I am blessed to have had such great friends while I was here. I have been able to see many of them. Some just in passing and saying hello on the street and others for long visits over coffee. Its nice to know that even after being gone for 3 years I can still connect, talk, and laugh with my friends from here.
2. Fresh produce - I think I have eaten 3-5 pieces of fruit a day and have had a shope salad as often as I can. What's even better than it being fresh is that its cheap. The other day as we walked back to our flat we realized we needed to grab a couple tomatoes for our sandwiches, so we got three good size tomatoes and one cucumber all for 50 cents.
3. Walking everywhere - Although my feet and calves do not miss this (especially all the hills), I do. Its great to be able to walk everywhere and enjoy the atmosphere and company while walking the streets.
4. Hospitality - The people here are so friendly and hospitable. Its been great to be back in the midst of this all.
5. Everyone knows me - The waiters, the produce man, the guy at the convenience store around the corner from my flat, my neighbors, my friends. Its a good feeling to know that everyone remembers me, even the people I saw often but didn't talk to much.
6. Fanta exotic - I don't drink soda at home much, but I have drank so much fanta exotic here, just because I can't get it at home. Its so good!
7. The mountains - For the first two years here I lived in Peja, at the base of the mountains. They are such beautiful mountains. I have enjoyed spending some of my time here in Peja and in the mountains.
8. Macchiato te madhe (coffee) - I love coffee, and I love going out for coffee. Its great to go out and drink a couple coffees a day here.
9. Akollore (ice cream) - The ice cream here is so good. Its almost like gelato and seems fresh. I think I have eaten ice cream almost every day.
10. The people - Its been great to reconnect with so many friends and even make some new friends.
the big hike
Always as part of our Summer Leadership Program we hike up the mountain for a picnic. Thankfully I think my running has gotten me in better shape than I anticipated, and it wasn't too hard. Even my recently sprained ankle faired well during the hike. It is such a beautiful mountain, I thought I would share a few pictures from the hike (in my attempt to share a photo a day from my trip.)
Thursday, July 28
Fish, Pizza?
Wednesday, July 27
balcony chat
I do not like it when google becomes Serbian and I can not read the Cyrillic letters. That was difficult to sign in. I am glad once I got in, everything is English again.
Today was a busy day of meetings for the Qiriazi Center and then reconnecting with old friends. I think between 12 noon and 9:30pm we were home only for a meeting that we were able to stay home for, and then a couple times for a bathroom break.
The day ended with a fun chat on the balcony with our neighbors, and a small water fight reminiscent of old times.

Tuesday, July 26
what bus schedule?
The view from my balcony in Prishtina:
Normally the busses here run fairly on schedule. During the week, the bus to Peja runs every 20 minutes. So when I arrived at the bus station yesterday, I thought I would only have to wait 10 minutes as it was 1:10. I waited, and waited, and walked around to make sure where I was is still where the Peja bus leaves from. Soon more people were waiting with me. It was hot, and I was getting tired. I couldn't wait to get on the bus and take a nap. Finally at about 1:50 the bus pulled in to its spot. I quickly assumed we would leave at 2:00, as I couldn't imagine the busses running less than every hour. After more than 30 minutes of sitting on the hot bus, I realized how wrong I was. I am not sure why I expected things to happen quickly, or with any sense of normalcy. My frustration made me realize how accustomed I am to my easy life in America where I drive myself around whenever I want to go somewhere. What can normally take 1-2 hours in your own vehicle, took me 4 hours and I finally arrived at 5:00pm.

I headed back to Peja to go to the International Fellowship. It was a blessing to look around the room and see the many families that I knew from years past who are still here, and the new faces who have come to join the work.
Monday, July 25
Saturday, July 23
Friday, July 22
Summer Vacation
One of the best parts of teaching is having summer vacation. I am blessed to have two months off, and am very thankful for it - especially this year. So far I have been able to relax a bit, read a couple books, spend time with my nephews, teach at a youth camp for a week, and now return to Kosovo, where I used to live in.
Some may think I am crazy...and I might even agree, but it was all worth it. Two weeks ago I was on staff at a Christian youth camp for a week. I woke up early every morning, was very busy teaching bible studies and leading activities and went to bed very late. It was a great time sharing God's love and teaching about how God is (or should be) the director of our lives. I even got to show parts of The Princess Bride during Bible study, as that was the name of our group....as its one of my favorite movies.
Then after a great but exhausting week, I went home, unpacked and did laundry...all to pack again to go to Kosovo the next day. I had about 30 hours from when camp ended until I got on a plane. I slept on and off during the first flight to Zurich, then could not keep my eyes open during the second flight to Prishtina. I landed around 2:00pm and then waiting at the airport for about an hour for my friend to pick me up, thanks R! Thankfully I saw another friend at the airport (a positive thing about Kosovo being so small) and chatted with her until R came to pick me up. We then drove straight to Peja, had a bite to eat at the newly renovated Art Design and headed up the mountain to join the university Leadership Camp that had already started a couple hours earlier.
Again another week of waking up early and staying up late...but it was all worth it! It was so great to be back in Kosovo. For two years I have not been able to visit, and I was so thankful when I found out I had this opportunity to go. R and I worked together starting in 2004 and its great to be back together, evaluating where things stand with the organization we helped to create 7 years ago.
Three pictures for today:
1. My Bible study group at Crosswalk
2. The Leadership Camp students
Monday, June 27
Warrior Dash
Many months ago, my cousin C suggested that we sign up for the "Warrior Dash." We had completed our first half marathon together a few months prior, and that was a huge accomplishment to me. I never imagined I could do that, so I thought, what could be worse than running for 2 1/2 hours? I quickly read the description of the dash, and thought it sounded like fun. I signed up, and so did my cousin, her friend, my sister-in-law and her brother. There would be five of us, it would be fun...or so I thought.
Months now passed and the time was approaching for the Warrior Dash. I started getting more interested and started looking up more information about it. I watched some videos and looked at pictures. Then I started getting nervous. The running 3.02 miles, thats nothing. The 10 obstacles defined on the website...now those were a bit daunting. But we proceeded and headed out yesterday in our bright pink bubble gum shirts and were prepared to get muddy.
I wasn't quite prepared to run (or attempt to run) 3 miles in ankle to knee deep mud/water. It was crazy. The obstacles, they were nothing. Although I am a bit afraid of heights, I accomplished all the tasks with ease (and some bruises.) The descriptions of the obstacles were very misleading and all the obstacles described were not actually part of the course. But thats okay, because I don't think they planned for the week of rain prior to the race, which made the course extra muddy. In reality the race should have been called the "Muddy Dash," but then I don't think I would have eaten a turkey leg and we wouldn't have gotten our warrior hats.
It was another great accomplishment that I can add to my bucket list of things I never imagined I would ever or could ever do. I might even do it again next year.
Thursday, June 23
Summer Vacation
The best part of waking up....I mean, being a teacher is having the summers off. Okay, thats not really the best part, but it is very enjoyable and allows me to do some great things, and also relax.
This is my first week off. Last Friday was our last day of school and honestly, I was glad to be done. I am praying for a renewed spirit next year for myself, and my colleagues.
This week I have been lazy and am enjoying my freedom. Monday I made delicious apple cinnamon chocolate chip pancakes for my roommate and a student I mentor. Then had dinner with my sister-in-law and nephews. Tuesday I went to my family's summer lake, camp, and enjoyed a beautiful day relaxing in the sun with my cousin and her children. It rained on Wednesday, so I curled up with a book and enjoyed reading the entire thing in one day, while listening to the rain fall on the lake. Today I am catching up on emails and a few things that need to get done, and who knows what I will do tomorrow. Life is good!
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