Monday, January 28


Where oh where does the time go? I never seem to have enough time to sit down and write something good on here, so I see I haven't written anything at all in awhile. Two weeks ago I was in Prague for a couple days busy in meetings during the day and storming the castle by night. Although a lot of work got done, it was a really fun time, and I enjoyed the short little get-away. Following that trip we had two volunteers in country with us here, planning for the 30-60 students they will bring for one week this summer. I will not be involved with that week this summer as I will be up in the mountains training leaders, but enjoyed bringing the volunteers to my classes last week to hang out with my students. This past weekend I was busy planning for our two leadership camps we will have this summer. Its crazy how early you have to plan all this stuff out....but I have learned that everything goes so much smoother the earlier it is all planned out....not to say there is not a possibility of everything changing between now and then.

I can hardly believe that January is almost already over and the winter also seems to be passing. Warm weather and sunny days are a welcomed joy. I realized this weekend that I have become spoiled by my newly installed central heating and am cold in some wood stove heated houses. My skin just isn't as tough as it used to be.

I have completed the semester for one of my University classes and the other one ends this week. For the month of February I will try to get caught up on some work, plan for the spring and summer, and maybe even relax a bit.

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