(I was so much more impressed 10 years ago when I saw this for the first time.)
Some ramblings from my life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in His service
Monday, January 28
some pictures from Prague
(I was so much more impressed 10 years ago when I saw this for the first time.)
I can hardly believe that January is almost already over and the winter also seems to be passing. Warm weather and sunny days are a welcomed joy. I realized this weekend that I have become spoiled by my newly installed central heating and am cold in some wood stove heated houses. My skin just isn't as tough as it used to be.
I have completed the semester for one of my University classes and the other one ends this week. For the month of February I will try to get caught up on some work, plan for the spring and summer, and maybe even relax a bit.
Tuesday, January 8
a slippery slope
I am sad that the generator that runs outside my window is louder than the speakers on my computer. Its just not fair. But I am glad that I downloaded some new NPR podcasts so I have some good entertainment while the power is off. If I angle my computer upwards a little I can hear it well and type this up at the same time.
Okay a couple phone calls just distracted me from why I originally started writing this. I guess that all helps pass away the time without electricity.
Tonight at
And on a final note…its interesting that just now as I am listening to NPR for the first time in awhile I am realizing about the writer’s strike. I heard my friend who was just here mention it when talking about one show, but I had no clue it was such a big deal, and not just for one show. Thank God for NPR to keep me up to date on good ole American pop culture. Now I just need to remember to listen to it.
Yea! The power is back on. I can now upload this, clean up a bit, and hit the sack.
Thursday, January 3
(For stories about some recent adventures here, please read my friend's blog. She is here visiting me and has been posting daily (I think) with pictures and stories since she got here. Due to having company I have not really had time to post any fun stories or pictures - which we have in abundance! Hopefully once my schedule gets back to normal I can add my own little updates from the fun adventures we are having together.)