Thursday, October 19

Rest - and my past week

Finally after a few days of craziness and lack of sleep I got a good night's sleep. It was very hard for me, but I actually went to bed at 10pm last night. In my mind that is just too early and I knew there were other things I should be doing. But on about 4 hours of sleep a night for the past few days, I was not capable of doing any work last night. So I crawled into bed, watched a little TV and probably feel asleep by 11pm. Amazingly I didn't get out of bed until 9:30 this morning. I did wake up many times this morning, but I kept turning back over and telling myself I didn't really need to wake up. Finally I feel rested and ready to face the day. Its a good feeling...too bad I don't expect to get much sleep tonight.

So you may ask, why haven't you been sleeping Lynn? Here is the story. On Saturday my friend and former roommate who is studying in the US came back here for a conference. Saturday night we drove to her hometown to visit her family. I probably got a reasonable amount of sleep that night...oh no, now I remember. Although we were both falling asleep while watching a movie, once everyone else went to bed, and we were ready for bed, for some reason we started talking.... I think I got 5 hours of sleep.

(Random note: I just answered my home phone...not many people usually call that number as cell phones are more commonly used here. The person on the other end was speaking some random language. She was definitely not speaking the most commonly used language here, and I don't even think she was using the other language. She didn't know English, but kept rambling in whatever language she was speaking. I don't understand with country codes and everything how you can call the wrong number. Maybe she was trying to reach someone in this country, but just a different number.)

Then on Sunday at 10am my friend, her sister and I got on a bus and headed to the next country over to visit their mom and two brothers. After a long bus ride we arrived at 5:30pm and spent about 24 hours there. At 8pm Monday night we got back on the bus and headed back to this country. When we got on the bus the driver said we would arrive at 2:30 or 3am. Ahh, I thought, that would be nice. That would allow us to be able to sleep for a few hours before driving back to the capitol city. Unfortunately the bus stopped twice for long coffee/dinner breaks and there was some road construction so we didn't arrive until 5:30am. I maybe got a total of 2 hours of horrible sleep while on the bus. We went to my friend's house and slept for about 3 hours, then headed back in the car to my city.

For some reason once I got home on Tuesday I thought I would be exhausted and take a nap, but I had too much to do. (If I did I probably wouldn't have woken up.) That night my friend, her niece and another friend came over my apartment. Although at about midnight I was tired and ready for bed, I had company so I couldn't just ignore them. At about 2:00am we all headed to bed. But for some reason I wasn't tired anymore. Then, again my friend and I started talking...and it was 3:30am the last time I looked at the clock.

I woke up the next morning at 9:10am...and I was supposed to meet someone at 9am...oops! Quickly I rushed to get ready and left by 9:40. My day continued in a rush like this. I actually didn't even have a moment to stop and eat anything until after 8pm. So after such a full day once I got home I crashed, and enjoyed the 10 1/2 hours of sleep I finally got!

Tonight is the last night my friend is here. I will bring her to the airport at 5:30am tomorrow therefore, I predict a lack of sleep again tonight.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

welcome to blog my friend. it was only a matter of time! i hope you enjoy your stay :) love you, ashley.