Thursday, June 26

no power

Now that its summer and getting warm, the power is going out fairly often. I think its very funny when I am working away on my computer and get mad that the internet doesn’t work or the printer doesn’t start. Then I look around and see the power has gone off. Sometimes it has been off for 30 minutes before I realize it. I am thankful that I have a laptop with a good battery and I don’t loose my work every time the power goes off.

Well I am off to get a pedicure…for only 8€…we will see how good it is.

(a few hours later)

The pedicure went well, but took two hours. My feet are all nice and smooth now.

Wednesday, June 25

too cute

I should be sleeping...but I really love this picture of Owen, and I thought I needed to share it with you all. My mom babysat the other day and took lots of pictures. I love this little boy!

Monday, June 23

online wedding

Congratulations Rachael and Wesley Morris!

So the connection has been pretty bad and I have only been able to watch bits and pieces, but I still think its pretty cool that I am watching two of my friends get married in Oklahoma right now. I believe there is a camera hooked up to the bottom of one of the chairs at the wedding and that is transmitting a signal through skype to someone's computer in another city. I then am viewing the wedding via msn video call, though a computer that is aimed at the projected screen of the skype broadcasted wedding. Yes, its complicated, but it has worked. I wasn't able to see the whole wedding, but saw the bride and the groom and felt like I joined in their celebration from afar. It was hard not to be able to be there with them for their wedding, but this has helped ease the sadness of missing this day in their lives.

I remember when Rachael and I were here together, working as two single women in a male dominated society. We prayed for a guy to come and help us in our work here. This guy named Wes answered our prayers and was preparing to come to this side of the pond. He quickly got the nickname of FarmBoy, and accepted it with such pride and humbleness at the same time, always going above and beyond what our expectations were of his job duties. I can't say I ever would have expected the two of them to get married when Wes first came...and can be sure that they both didn't expect it then and even denied the possibility for a really long time. But I am so glad that God grew them together and shaped them into who they are today. I am blessed to have been a part of their lives. I can't wait to see what God has in store for them in the future, now as a couple.

Wednesday, June 18

cutest baby contest

Sometimes I think I am biased and just because he is my nephew I think he is the cutest baby...but many people have told me he really is very cute! So Lisa (his mom) has entered him into a contest. Please click on either of the pictures and vote for him to win and be on the cover of Parents magazine. Thanks!

Monday, June 16

village fun

So the other day my friend invited my summer student Bethany and I to her village. I always love spending time in this village and enjoyed it thoroughly. Here are some pictures:

Baby chickens!

Cherry Trees!

A trip down the road to a war memorial that allows you to overlook the beautiful countryside.

It's starting to get dark....but we still stuck around a little longer to enjoy the view.
Then it started raining...and we started running back to the car.
A good meal is always enjoyed after a run in the rain. I love the food here!

a drive in the countryside

Saturday I had to go pick up some friends in a village, so we decided to make it a road trip. We loaded up in the car and set off for a fun adventure. We stopped to shop, then to eat dinner, then for a photo shot, then we finally made it to the village. The countryside is so beautiful right now. Surprisingly there was an outdoor party going on once we got there, so we stayed to hear some of the band (and loose some of our hearing.) The music was really loud and not very good, so we didn't stay long and went on our way back home. The ride home was very uneventful compared to the ride there...except that two people had to ride in the very back. Maybe that was fun for them - or maybe not.

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Happy Father's day to all dads! (a day late) I was busy all day yesterday, then came home with plenty of time to make some phone calls, but of course, the power went off. So I was not able to send emails, make phone calls or do anything for father's day. At least I told the dads that are here Happy Father's Day. Hope everyone had a wonderful day!

Monday, June 9

cast away

You were shipwrecked and landed on a deserted tropical island with lots of fruit trees and fish. Thankfully a few things washed up on the shore from the boat - a CD, a coat hanger, a comb, some string, a can opener, a paint brush, and a bread knife. You have only these items to survive, what will you do with them?

Saturday, June 7


I love watching and listening to thunder and lightening storms. This week we have had one almost every night here, and its been great. I don't know why I enjoy them so much, but I do. Almost makes me giddy when I hear lightening strike. I think its the power that goes with it that makes me bask in the awesomeness of God....if that makes any sense. One of my friends here is afraid of the storms, and prefers the windows to be closed. I on the other hand prefer the windows open so I can hear the rain and the thunder. Currently I am typing on my computer and at the same time looking out the window. One bolt of lightening just hit a few minutes ago and made such a loud noise that I jumped. But thats all I got for a show this afternoon. Maybe more will come tonight. Its more fun when its dark out and the lightening lights up the sky.

The rain is good and the weather has stayed nice and cool so far. The only problem is that the other day I got really wet because I didn't have an umbrella with me. I am learning to take it with me, even if the day starts out sunny.

Sunday, June 1


I believe that summer is officially here. How do I know this? Here is my list:

1. I get sweaty walking or doing anything, and its only going to get hotter!
2. My summer team has arrived and will start their activities this week.
3. We had a cookout in our yard with the different families living here.
4. I am no longer the only one wearing sandals.
5. Fruit is in abundance and tastes so good!!
6. I just want to be outside all the time and am having trouble actually getting work done.
7. I have eaten ice-cream every day this past week.
8. I cleaned my balcony and can sit outside with my computer and enjoy the evening breeze.
9. Everything is green and the fields of wildflowers are beautiful.
10. High school students finished school for the summer.

So thats a quick summary of whats going on here. I am home tonight, don't have any guests, and its actually cool, so I should get some work done now while I can.