Some ramblings from my life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in His service
Sunday, April 27
Wednesday, April 16
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
- Robert Frost
I came across this old, familiar poem today, and I liked it.
I think it sums up my life, and how I am feeling, very well right now.
Monday, April 14
A day in the fields
Thursday, April 10
Hmmm, too bad I have finished the two books I bought while I was in the states. I enjoy having a book to read before I sleep or when the power is off. I have tried downloading a book to listen to it on my iPod, but just doesn't keep my attention as well as reading words on a page.
Tuesday, April 8
Monday, April 7
Thursday, April 3
* 1 out of 90 boys
* Affects four times as many boys as girls
* Lifetime cost of caring for a child with autism: $3.5 to $5 million
* Current annual cost to U.S.: $35 billion
* Estimated annual cost by 2010: $90 billion
* 1.5 million Americans affected
No power
Today is the first day I have just been absolutely frustrated with the power situation. Its on for 30 minutes, off for 2 ½ hours, on for 1 hour, off for 2, on for 30 minutes, off again. No schedule. No rhyme or reason. I know I am lucky that I have had such good power lately, with it being off only 1 hour at a time for the last week or so, and that was even limited.
But today I had a lot planned, a lot I wanted to get done, a lot I needed to do on the internet, a lot I wanted to watch on TV. World Autism Day is today, and CNN is showing little autism stories throughout the day….but of course this is the day I am without power. Why??? On one commercial last week about today’s programs I saw my former boss from Vanderbilt (when I used to do Autism research.) I want to see the kids I knew and what they are doing now at Vanderbilt.
Today I was on the phone to a company in
So now its 7:12PM and I am hungry and trying to decide what to do. Go out and buy something to eat. Take a nap and wait for the power to come back on. Read my book with candle light. Listen to more news or stories on my iPod (this has helped my sanity today – at least I could still listen to my iPod and not just hear the droning noise of the generator outside my window.) And I am thankful I have a laptop with a good battery life. I can usually work on here for one or two hours…or watch 1 hour of a movie.