Some ramblings from my life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in His service
Saturday, March 29
Tuesday, March 25
easter, rain, and upcoming trip
I have enjoyed the rain and sometimes even snow this past week, as the land really needs it. But at the same time its so much harder to stay motivated to work hard when its so gloomy outside. Makes me want to just curl up with a blanket and watch a movie. The fun part of that is that yesterday was a holiday here, so I had an excuse to stay home.
On Thursday I get to go visit Sarajevo. I am so excited, as I have been here in the Balkans for 5 years and have never gone to Bosnia. Although this trip will be very short (drive there, spend one day there, drive home) it will be good.
Thursday, March 20
As an update, I had a wonderful time in the states visiting my new nephew (and some others who are of course less important now that there is a baby!) I turned in my application for grad school and met with the director of the program. Although I am not really looking forward to being a student again, I am excited to be learning again.
I have so many mixed emotions in the fact that I will be returning to the states soon. I am happy that I will be able to spend more time with my family, that I will be able to see my nephew grow up and be a part of his life. I know this is where God is leading me right now, and I am confident without a doubt that He will give me the strength I need while I am there. At the same time, I know it will be hard. For five years I have lived overseas. For five years I have done all I can do to be a part of the culture here and in a sense become Albanian so that I could understand and relate to the people here. Now I am leaving that all behind, but it will always be with me. For those that have asked or will ask, I don’t know what I will do after grad school. I will leave that up to God to direct me when the time is right. I am making no commitments to return here or to stay in the states.
Thankfully, for grad school I need to know a foreign language and take a test in it, therefore I will have good motivation to keep up my language. This is best done by communicating, so whether it be with my friends from here or new Albanian friends in
I know its early to be saying all this, as I have 5 more months here, but this is what I was processing during my time in the states. It was much more emotional than I thought it would be. I believe God gave me that glimpse into more of what I will be feeling when I move back so I can start thinking and praying about it now. Its always better to be prepared, right? My good friend who dealt with reverse culture shock herself a few years ago gave me this advice for when I return, “Whatever you do, don’t buy a motorcycle!”