Some people have said that I look younger with my new haircut, but tonight I am doubting that. I am here in Greece with many other people from my company. There are probably 200 or so of us here, so of course I do not know everyone. Tonight I met a new lady and was talking to her on and off for a bit. I was talking about cooking and recipes, as we were guarding the sacred American food we were bidding for. Then a little later I headed over to where the teenagers hang out and I was ready to watch their talent show. Well this lady I had just met saw me there and asked, "Do you have a child here?" I think she was kind of saying it in disbelief, but really, I know I am getting old, but I am not old enough to have a teenager. I was in shock.
Thats my story for the night. I am tired and ready to be back home. I miss my friends and my flat and my work. One more day, and then we go home. I am ready...but not quite excited to leave the beach and drive for 10 hours. It will be worth it to be home.
Some ramblings from my life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in His service
Thursday, June 28
Wednesday, June 27
some pictures
Oh it is so interesting to try to do this all in Greek. I think I am succeeding...there is a really annoying fly in my room, and I am swatting at it more than typing, so the pictures are almost all loaded already.

So first, my new hair cut. Last week I was tired of my long hair and how hot and sweaty it was.
Every day I was just putting it up, and I was tired of that. So I decided to cut it a bit shorter. But my thought of short and actually how short it is now were two very different things. I think my hairdresser was tired of hearing me complain about how hot all my hair was. She thought she was doing me a favor...and really I am thankful that I have so much less hair now. But its still strange that its all gone. I will like it more soon. It will just take some time....I am still mourning my loss for now.
And now here are a few pictures from the hotel I am staying at. These pictures were taken from the balcony of the room I am staying in...yes its a rough life. We are here for a work conference. Life is good.

Now I think I will go to sleep so I can stay awake during our meetings tomorrow. Good night!
So first, my new hair cut. Last week I was tired of my long hair and how hot and sweaty it was.
Every day I was just putting it up, and I was tired of that. So I decided to cut it a bit shorter. But my thought of short and actually how short it is now were two very different things. I think my hairdresser was tired of hearing me complain about how hot all my hair was. She thought she was doing me a favor...and really I am thankful that I have so much less hair now. But its still strange that its all gone. I will like it more soon. It will just take some time....I am still mourning my loss for now.
Now I think I will go to sleep so I can stay awake during our meetings tomorrow. Good night!
Tuesday, June 26
Today we talked a lot about joy. Do you have joy in your life? Do you rejoice in the midst of suffering? I like to think that I am a joyful person, but I know that I am not always that way. Its the little things that get to me most, especially when they reflect on me personally. If someone else does something wrong, no problem, its ok. When I do something wrong...its the end of the world. I get very upset at myself. I am going to try hard, especially this next month which is very busy, to rejoice in all things. I will try to not get so upset at myself when I make mistakes...we all do, its not the end of the world. I will be confident in the grace Jesus Christ has given me, and allow that to cover up and wash over the mistakes that will come. I know that God will take care of it all, and work everything out for His glory.
Okay thats all the reflecting I will do on here for now. I am off to the pool for a quick swim.
Okay thats all the reflecting I will do on here for now. I am off to the pool for a quick swim.
Sunday, June 24
By the way...I am in Greece...and I am sure of that right blogger is all in Greek! Hopefully I can remember all the right buttons to push. But its late here and I should get to sleep soon. I am thankful that I can access the wireless internet in my room, although this has allowed me to be online for the past two hours and not sleeping. If I was outside in the heat where most people access the internet I am sure I wouldn't have stayed on so long. Hopefully I will have time to write more later in the week.
I am here for our annual general meeting with my company. Its good to be here and I enjoy the fellowship. At the same time I miss my friends and my apartment. I will be here for one week, and then back to the busy life I lead. As soon as I get back we get 5 more summer students for the month of July. busy, busy, busy.
Now to sleep...
I am here for our annual general meeting with my company. Its good to be here and I enjoy the fellowship. At the same time I miss my friends and my apartment. I will be here for one week, and then back to the busy life I lead. As soon as I get back we get 5 more summer students for the month of July. busy, busy, busy.
Now to sleep...
Tuesday, June 19
Tonight there was an amazing lightening storm here. It was an awesome display of God's power. I got chills down my back as I stood on my balcony watching the wind blow around everything that wasn't tied down and the lightening shoot around the sky. I love to watch storms, and I am not quite sure why. My friend who was here with me tonight, thought I was crazy to be outside and kept telling me to come inside. So as I stood outside alone, wondering why I enjoy storms so much...I was reminded of the amazing power and strength God has. Why do we ever worry or doubt....God has control of everything. Ok, I could expand upon this a bit more and probably write it out much more eloquently, but I am tired and have to wake up early tomorrow. So thats all you get. Good night and sweet dreams!
Sunday, June 17
Happy Father's Day!
To all the Father's out there....Happy Father's Day!!!!
Why is it that American holidays always end up on days that I am busy and not home to call my family. So tonight I am finally home, and I can at least write a quick message on here to everyone. Unexpectedly I went to my friend's village for the day, and just came back at 9:30. Then I chatted wit my colleague a bit, and when I was finally back to my computer I could not reach any of my family. And I promised my American phone to the students who are here, to use today as a reward for a scavenger hunt, before I even realized what day it is. Oh well, they are young and its good they got to talk to their families. (Hopefully they all got to use it before it died, as the battery is dead now.)
Well I am tired now and will say Goodnight to all.
Why is it that American holidays always end up on days that I am busy and not home to call my family. So tonight I am finally home, and I can at least write a quick message on here to everyone. Unexpectedly I went to my friend's village for the day, and just came back at 9:30. Then I chatted wit my colleague a bit, and when I was finally back to my computer I could not reach any of my family. And I promised my American phone to the students who are here, to use today as a reward for a scavenger hunt, before I even realized what day it is. Oh well, they are young and its good they got to talk to their families. (Hopefully they all got to use it before it died, as the battery is dead now.)
Well I am tired now and will say Goodnight to all.
Saturday, June 16
Dr, Pepper
Dr. Pepper and Reese's Peanut Butter is good.
I was tired and feeling a little sluggish, and then I remembered I had one Dr. Pepper in my fridge. I have had it for about a week, a friend gave it to me, from the American base here. It was a nice surprise, as I haven't drank a Dr. Pepper in over 6 months. Since this is a rare treat, I was saving it for just the right time. But I do have a problem with saving American treats for a little too long, and then they aren't good by the time I eat them. So I have learned, or I am starting to learn, to enjoy the treats while I have them.
Well, now I am taking the evening off (or at least part) and watching Bride and Prejudice.
I was tired and feeling a little sluggish, and then I remembered I had one Dr. Pepper in my fridge. I have had it for about a week, a friend gave it to me, from the American base here. It was a nice surprise, as I haven't drank a Dr. Pepper in over 6 months. Since this is a rare treat, I was saving it for just the right time. But I do have a problem with saving American treats for a little too long, and then they aren't good by the time I eat them. So I have learned, or I am starting to learn, to enjoy the treats while I have them.
Well, now I am taking the evening off (or at least part) and watching Bride and Prejudice.
Friday, June 15
As a summer team we are memorizing different passages from scripture each week. Its a good encouragement for me, as I have trouble memorizing without accountability. I am hoping that I will still know them all at the end of the summer and not just memorize for the week at hand.
Last week's scripture: (I meant to write it on here last week...but that never happened.)
As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to one hope when you were called— one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. - Ephesians 4:1-6
This week's scripture:
Sepse Perëndia e deshi aq botën, sa dha Birin e tij të vetëmlindurin, që, kushdo që beson në të, të mos humbasë, por të ketë jetë të përjetshme. -Gjoni 3:16 (John 3:16)
Last week's scripture: (I meant to write it on here last week...but that never happened.)
As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to one hope when you were called— one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. - Ephesians 4:1-6
This week's scripture:
Sepse Perëndia e deshi aq botën, sa dha Birin e tij të vetëmlindurin, që, kushdo që beson në të, të mos humbasë, por të ketë jetë të përjetshme. -Gjoni 3:16 (John 3:16)
Tuesday, June 12
Today was a good day. For the first time since being here (yes I am embarrassed to say its taken me this long) I memorized scripture in Albanian. In just a short time I was able to learn John 3:16 in Albanian....and I am happy. My friend even helped me with my pronunciation and memorized it herself. Also I have started learning more worship songs in Albanian and its wonderful. Tonight during bible study we sang in Albanian, and it was beautiful to hear our voices lifted in praise to God.
Today I am thankful to God for the simple blessings he gives us in abundance. God is good...all the time!
Today I am thankful to God for the simple blessings he gives us in abundance. God is good...all the time!
Saturday, June 9
summer team a quick life has gotten a bit busier.
We now have 4 new summer team members here, alone with the semester volunteer who has been here since January. It will be a busy summer. 5 more students will come for July. I think it will be fun, but it will be a lot of work also. Today I made pancakes and then the team headed out to the village to play with some kids. I stayed home and rested a little and went to the park with a friend.
Tomorrow's plans include church in the morning, soccer or frisbee in the park in the afternoon, then meeting and worship in the evening. Now I will go to bed and be ready for the day tomorrow.
We now have 4 new summer team members here, alone with the semester volunteer who has been here since January. It will be a busy summer. 5 more students will come for July. I think it will be fun, but it will be a lot of work also. Today I made pancakes and then the team headed out to the village to play with some kids. I stayed home and rested a little and went to the park with a friend.
Tomorrow's plans include church in the morning, soccer or frisbee in the park in the afternoon, then meeting and worship in the evening. Now I will go to bed and be ready for the day tomorrow.
Sunday, June 3
I am not sure what is wrong with me lately...but I am always tired. I am getting enough sleep, and even trying to improve my sleep habits so that I go to bed earlier and wake up earlier. I have heard sleeping more before midnight is better. Well, I aim to be asleep by midnight and thats good for me.
Throughout the day I keep thinking, that would be a fun story to write on my blog, but by the end of the day when I sit down at my computer all the stories are gone. Sorry to my devoted readers. I hope to have more exciting stories soon...but for now...keep waiting.
And for a final comment....I played Frisbee in the rain last night and it was wonderful. Just me and a friend tossing the Frisbee on a warm summer night with rain sprinkling down on us. It was good. I don't think my friend expected me to say yes when she asked if I wanted to play. I didn't expect her to follow me as I walked out in the rain...but she did...and therefore we played. I love summer rain.
Throughout the day I keep thinking, that would be a fun story to write on my blog, but by the end of the day when I sit down at my computer all the stories are gone. Sorry to my devoted readers. I hope to have more exciting stories soon...but for now...keep waiting.
And for a final comment....I played Frisbee in the rain last night and it was wonderful. Just me and a friend tossing the Frisbee on a warm summer night with rain sprinkling down on us. It was good. I don't think my friend expected me to say yes when she asked if I wanted to play. I didn't expect her to follow me as I walked out in the rain...but she did...and therefore we played. I love summer rain.
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