Some ramblings from my life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in His service
Wednesday, February 28
Game night
If anyone has any suggestion of a group game that is interactive, and not too complicated, let me know. Our ideas here will probably run out we need your help.
Tuesday, February 27
40 days
I enter this time with excitement and fear at the same time. I have set some fairly high goals for this time, and I hope that I can remain diligent in attaining them. I know that with His strength all is possible. At the same time I know that a structured time as this draws me closer to Him and can be really incredible. I anxiously await what He will do in the next 40 days.
Today we have a conversational English class that is made up of fourth year students studying to be English teachers. This is a new group of students that I have not known before. They are very talkative and eager to be involved in our activities. I have enjoyed getting to know them so far.
Monday, February 26
Yea, Little Miss Sunshine just got its first award. I really liked that film...thanks to my brother for showing it to me. I hope maybe now they will have it for sale here. I want to watch it again, but have not been able to find it.
It is strange that the local tv channel here isn't playing commercials during the scheduled commercial breaks, so we just keep hearing music and seeing the Oscar statue. Not very exciting.
I wish it could go faster because of no commercials, but then it wouldn't be live.
But to continue with my thoughts about why I am watching the Oscars...its because I can. And because I miss so much of American pop-culture I feel this helps me catch up a bit. While reading the list of nominated movies, I realized I have not heard of most of them, and those only because I saw a few movies when I was just home for Christmas. But now I have a list of new movies to look for and watch. I predict a few movie nights on the projector in the near future.
Okay, well I am going to be productive and get ready for bed during the boring non-commercial commercial breaks. And a random positive note...the water came back on already. That was a nice surprise. I was upset when I realized I didn't wash my face before it went out earlier....and now its already back on.
Wednesday, February 21
I am still getting used to having a roommate again, and I find I am much more distracted and it is hard to keep focused on what I am doing when I sit down at my computer. It is nice having someone here to share my random comments with (although I am still in question if she enjoys hearing all my random comments) ...but my roommate talks back (unlike this website) so one random comment leads to a whole conversation...and then I forget what I was originally doing. Many times recently I have been closing down my computer to go out and find many started emails or work projects that never got completed. Ooops. So if you have emailed me recently and haven't received a response...I probably started it...and will finish it and actually send it some day...hopefully.
Also my Vonage phone is up and running again, so that is another added distraction. Its amazing how much easier it is to be here, half way across the globe from my friends and family, when at any time I can pick up the phone and call them...and they can call me. Its makes the distance much smaller.
Okay the sun is shining outside and its calling my name.
Thursday, February 15
still sick
Tomorrow is another slow hopefully I can get some more rest and fully recuperate. But then I start aerobics tomorrow night and start up my village kids club on Saturday. I hope I am ready!
Last night, on Valentines day, I found myself out for coffee with three guys. My roommate was with me, so I wasn't the only girl, but still it was interesting. We had class at 6, and at 6:25 the power went out. That ended class early. So then one of my students invited us out for coffee. He wanted to celebrate with us, as he had just received a new job (for which I interviewed him). Initially we went out with a few other students, but in the end it was my roommate and myself with three guys. One of the guys had just gotten married on Sunday, so he also was celebrating with us. To me it didn't make sense to celebrate with us, on valentine's day, leaving his new wife at home...but many things don't make sense to me here.
As we were walking home I just laughed at my evening out with the guys...on Valentines Day....but then I realized this has become natural for me here. Most of my students are guys, and usually I start out for coffee with some girls and some guys...but in the end its me and the guys.
Tuesday, February 13
Now any other day I would be happy at this excuse to stay home and watch movies all day...but my head hurts so bad that doesn't even sound enjoyable. No fair!
Monday, February 12

It is interesting how sometimes I will remember to write on here every day, and then sometimes I go a whole week and forget I even have a blog. I can not even say that my week was very busy. I think partly its because I now have a person, my roommate, who I can share my random thoughts with (even though doing this makes her think I am crazy), and before I sometimes used this blog as an outlet to my random thoughts.
So the weather here has been wonderful the last couple days. I don't know what happened to winter, but it forgot to come here. Now although I am enjoying the fact that I don't have to wear long underwear every day and freeze when walking anywhere, it is not good for the land here. The winter crops are not able to grow, some crops are beginning to bud that aren't supposed to, and we will surely not have water in the summer. Ok, I am just praying that we at least get more precipitation in one form or another. I do like having water in the summer. I already don't have it at I fear what is to come in the summer.
My roommate started her conversation classes today. She did a great job and the students enjoyed it. It was strange for me to sit in the back of the class and stay quiet, but I enjoyed listening to the students without having to think what to say next. This way I could purely just watch the students interact with each other and the teacher. It was interesting and good.
Tuesday, February 6
a great day
Last night was the first time in the four years I have been here that I was able to watch the Superbowl live. Now I can't say I am a big football (American or European) fan...but there is something about not being able to do something that makes you want it more. And I believe the longer I am away from America the more I miss American pastimes...even ones I didn't like in America. So although at 10pm last night I was falling asleep, I stayed awake until 12 to see if the superbowl might be shown live on a cable channel here. Well I was lucky. I found it. And thankfully the first quarter of the game was fairly interesting, so it woke me up and I watched. I faded in and out of sleep during the second quarter, watched the half time, talked to a friend on the phone during the third quarter, and fell asleep sometime during the fourth quarter. I woke up with the game over, disappointed the bears didn't win (not that I really cared which team won, but from the start of the game I decided to cheer for the Bears because I have lived in Illinois and the Cubs beat the Patriots. Based solely on those two reasons I rooted for the Bears during the game...and they lost...can you tell I am really sad.)
Well I moved to my bedroom at 4am and continued sleeping. Amazingly I woke up a few minutes before my alarm went off at 10am and was awake when someone called following up on a project. I got some work done in the morning, went out to eat for lunch and for 1 euro had a wonderful sandwich. Then I bought some groceries and rested for a few minutes back at my flat before heading out for some coffee visits. At 3pm I met a friend for coffee. Although it wasn't so in the morning when I made plans for coffee with this person, she was having a really bad day at work, and I was a much enjoyed break from her day. I left there encouraged and happy.
As I was walking another friend called and I met her for coffee...this without plan. I hadn't seen this friend for a few days, and I am used to seeing her often, so again it was a welcome and enjoyable visit. I convinced this friend to come back to my flat, and we hung out with my roommate and watched a movie.
So that was my I said in the beginning...nothing special...nothing out of the ordinary...but very good. I can not specifically pinpoint why I enjoyed this day so much, but I did. Now if I can just get rid of my constant chocolate craving all will be well. Why is it that I have a desire to eat chocolate 24 hours a day? This isn't normal for me...what happened???
Sunday, February 4
Chicken Poppyseed Casserole
Chicken (4 breasts)
Sour cream (sm container)
Cream of mushroom soup (1 can)
Ritz crackers
1. Cut chicken into bite size pieces and cook in frying pan.
2. In large bowl combine sour cream, entire can of condensed cream of mushroom soup, poppyseeds (2-4 tbsp), and chicken. Cut some small pieces of butter and place in bottom of 9x12 glass dish. Pour chicken mixture into the glass dish.
3. Crush 1 sleeve of Ritz crackers into crumbs. Add 1/4 c. melted butter and 1 tbsp poppyseeds. Mix together. Spread on top of chicken mixture.
4. Bake in preheated oven at 350 F for 30 – 45 minutes.
5. Serve over white rice.
Saturday, February 3
My phone is working again and I am happy. There is just something about being able to pick up the phone and call America (for free practically) that makes me happy. But of course I am never here to answer the phone or make phone calls...but just that its possible is nice.
Well I think its time to sleep again. I feel like I am sleeping so much lately...but its not true...its just that I am sleeping late in the day...but then I go to sleep in the end its hardly 7 hours of sleep. I always try to go to bed early, but it never really works. I might make it in bed by 1am tonight, that will be good.