Its raining outside and I am enjoying the sound. I really enjoy the rain, especially when its timed right. Tonight its okay that its raining, its actually a nice soothing sound. Tomorrow, I will not be happy if it is still raining. I had a little chat with God and I told him he can let it rain all he wants tonight, but its needs to stop by noon tomorrow. Too bad God doesn't always do exactly what we want, but what is in His best interest.
You may be asking yourself right now, "why is it such a big deal to Lynn that it doesn't rain tomorrow?" I will briefly explain. There is a team of volunteers from Colorado that have come here to paint a mural on the cultural center of a small town. (see link on the right "CO team mural") Today they prepared the wall by scraping off the loose paint and putting spakle (that's what I call it, I don't think that's the appropriate name, type of cement) over the holes. Tomorrow we will go and paint the wall with primer and make the grid. Since this team is only here for another week and a half, its best to make the most of their time and not be stuck inside.
I am confident that if it does rain tomorrow God has a plan for this team inside... I will find out tomorrow.
For tonight I need to go to bed. I have a horrible head cold/sinus problems, hopefully a good night's sleep will do some miracles ...along with prayer of course.